ARFID Food Index Project

As someone with Arfid one of the hardest things is trying new foods, especially when those foods are unlike anything I've had before. This page is an index of the foods I have tried and the textures and flavors within. I hope this will help others when deciding whether this food would be safe for them.

To set an example of criteria I will use Kraft Macaroni and Cheese from the box. This would be set up as such:

Kraft MacnCheese (box) Texture:Soft, saucy Flavor:Cheesy Very consistent Ease:4.5

All entries will be given a name, including brand and variants if applicable, texture, flavor, how consistent the experience is, and how easy it is to make/eat it. Note: Consistency of experience here refers to the results being largely the same each time you have/make it. This category is mostly allegorical, and you can expect foods that are more processed/branded will have a higher chance of being consistant than things like fresh fruits or vegetables

The Index

Food Name Texture Flavor Consistency Ease
Empanadas Soft exterior,
interior varies
Cornflour exterior,
interior varies
Somewhat Consistent Cooking:3.5, Eating: 4.5
Raisins Gummy, occasional
harder bit
Sweet, fruity Very consistent 5.0